We get it. During a time of life when practically every decision feels monumental, the college application process and crafting the optimal personal essay sits at the top of an overwhelming list. We are here to help students conceptualize, craft, and fine-tune their essay.

At Jensen & Jordan, we work with our clients on this part of the application that can propel the student ahead and stand out among his, her, or their peers by showcasing the student’s unique attributes, accomplishments, and personal story.

What: Uncovering the students' strengths and unique qualities to deliver the “paper” version of them that will make them stand out among applicants.

How: Meeting with a student and student's family/caretakers to understand goals; then working one-on-one with the student to confirm the most powerful and compelling topic, its structure, tone, and execution.

When: Now. It's never too early.

The application process can be daunting with students and family keenly aware of what’s at stake. We are here with savvy and informed input to make the essay process deliberate, productive, and as stress-free as possible.